While I was on my soap box a few weeks back I was spouting about the use of fossil fuels and gas prices and here it come round to bite me clean in the Ass . I'm sure there are some of you saying , see,see ,see frugal man. This is what happens..... Oh Montana ,I do so apologize ... While I was sitting on the fence (
Frugal article) it broke. Ok , I need to go on a diet, but I will write more about that in another article. Here it is, the ugly truth about fossil fuels.42,000 barrels of crude wash down the river in what seems to be a 45 minute leak. Countless fish, birds,turtles and host of other shore creatures will vanish from the area. Its just not fair. We depend on fossil fuels to run American and as much as this hurts we will pick up the pieces,clean up, and go back drilling. One thing we need to do for sure is get smarter about use .Who ran the pipeline next to the river?Were there safeguards in place to ensure we caught it in time ?What is the long term impact?These are all questions that need to be answered and I'm sure in days and weeks to come the finger pointing will start. On a personal level, if this was in my back yard I would be sick...... I need to go hug a tree and mend a fence!
turtle resting in a oil bath
"Oh Montana ,I do so apologize" ...