Thursday, May 19, 2011

Did I mention the weather?

Did I mention the weather?
 Some days on the  stream feel SO unproductive yet maybe I did take something away from a windy, cold miserable day other than aching joints??Are you with me?.....Still with me ? .........Still?  Ok , I'm thinking.

  Well, yesterday  was "flat line" on a stream I had high hopes in catching a big one. It was a  TU restoration project and it just isn't a good stream and it might  never  be.  I did end up catching one dumb rainbow stocker and a handful of  small browns on some of my homemade spinners. None were camera worthy but
while I was away  I got you all  some  flowers  .  So, here you go....
Catch of the day


  1. I know how you feel John. Here I am planning for the end of the world fishing trip and we've had buckets of rain, hail, snow and tornado warnings...If I could have found a flower I would have brought it along.

  2. Cofish :End of the world fishing trip, Great idea!
    EMB: Not a brown trout but the best I could do.
    The frugal fisherman's way of bring flowers home.

  3. Hey thanks for the flowers! Just curious wich stream you were referring to? I understand if you don't want to give your secret spots away. Just curious. Better luck and weather next time. Tight Lines.

  4. Trout, I was in Sheboygan county on the Onion. The section of the onion that is Cat 1. One Big problem I see is no baitfish. Bugs are fine but to add length and girth they need some good fatty minnows and crayfish.

  5. A good catch none the less...the end of the world trip sounds pretty good!
