One of hardest parts about being a fisherman who write articles for a blog is when you have to make conservation decisions and it has you fence sitting. Last week you read about my strong distaste for a water well in Crawford county, Wisconsin. This week ,I want a oil pipeline . Call me what? Every name in the book you say! I guess many popular bloggers wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole for risk of being banished from their readers but I can't put my head in the sand on this.
Keystone XL Pipeline , has me just in knots.Long story short, Its a pipe line from Canada through the US delivering more oil across our country .Of course the environmentalists want the President to veto this one . On one hand, we need oil. Gas prices are on the verge of pushing us into a double dip recession. On the other hand, what is the environmental impact it has on our country? We have a push here for wind power. Its ok, if its Not in your back yard. If it is in your back yard its UGLY energy as well.They make terrible noise, and ruin the skyline. You will be hearing a lot about Normandy and their wind farms in days to come. Thats a whole other article which I will write nothing about.. .It might be a long term plan but we need action now.

People are going broke filling their gas tanks. They have no money to buy groceries .If you are commuting to work the cost of gas has you maybe breaking even. No one has extra money to join,contribute,support the clubs or other environmental efforts so these struggle too. Here is a easy example to follow .People crab about walleye tournaments on "THEIR " lake and the terrible impact they have on the local water. The very guys giving money to research, lake clubs and stocking programs are the tournament anglers, not the people screaming about 'THEIR " lake.We the tournament anglers, are broke, so the environment will suffer. When tournament numbers are down ,less money is generated for the lake. Its a ugly truth.
Environmentalists just cant veto everything. If no one is making money the environment suffers too!
So, I'm Sorry if I offended any of my loyal trout fishing, environmental loving readers with my yearning for fossil fuels. I love the environment too, but I love to feed my kids and pay my bills and for that I will not apologize .